About Us


The purpose of the Guthrie Ministerial Alliance is to promote a spirit of good will and fellowship among the members of the ministries in and around Guthrie, Oklahoma. We recognize our diversity and hold to Jesus Christ as the one unifying focus and purpose of our existence.



Our Beliefs

We believe the eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, without division of nature, essence, or being.  That Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation through a personal faith and the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)




Membership is open to all ordained spiritual leaders of congregations within the Guthrie, Oklahoma area who share the purpose, mission, and vision of this alliance and to such other spiritual leaders as may be recommended for membership by the ordained clergy.  This includes pastors, solo pastors, and heads of staff, co-pastors, youth pastors, interim pastors, local Pastors, temporary pastors, and others who minister to the community.  Members must submit a signed membership application and it must be approved by a majority of the membership during one of the regular monthly. 




Officers of the Guthrie Ministerial Alliance shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.


Officers shall be nominated and elected annually at the November meeting, or as soon thereafter as practical, and shall serve from January 1 through December 31. Offices vacated prior to the annual election may be filled by a nomination and vote at any regular meeting.


Responsibilities of officers are as follows:


·   President: The president shall preside at the meetings of the alliance. The president shall appoint and dissolve committees as deemed necessary.


·   Vice-President: The vice-president shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of that officer. The vice-president serves as publicity chairman and assumes other duties as assigned.


·   Treasurer: The treasurer will receive, maintain, and distribute the financial resources of the organization at the will of the organization. The treasurer will keep suitable records of gifts, income, expenditures, and bank balances, and make such records available to the officers and membership upon request.


·   Secretary: The secretary will maintain a record of the business conducted at meetings, handle correspondence on behalf of the organization, and maintain a record of membership.



Quorum of members required for a vote shall be a minimum of six (6) active members from at least four (4) different churches present at a regular monthly meeting.


Assembly: The Guthrie Ministerial Alliance will meet as deemed necessary to carry out the purpose and interest of the membership. Stated (or regular) meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at noon. The Alliance will hold no less than four meetings a year. For the purposes of a special called meeting, notices must be posted or received by mail or e-mail seven days prior to the meeting.


Voting: Items brought before the membership for a vote shall require a motion and a second, and simple majority vote to be enacted, unless otherwise stipulated within these guidelines.




All monies received will be deposited in the Guthrie Ministerial Alliance Bank Account.  Disbursement will be done with the direction and approval of a vote of the members with the exception of banking fees and Post Office box rental.


No part of the net earnings of Guthrie Ministerial Alliance shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its officers, or other private persons, except to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, expense reimbursements, or to make payments or distributions in the furtherance of the purposes set forth in these guidelines. The Guthrie Ministerial Alliance as an organization shall not be participant in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. The Alliance does not hold power over the individual members in their political activities.

Although not a corporation recognized under Section 501 ( c ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, The Alliance shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by these provisions, or the corresponding provisions of any future federal tax code.


Benevolence Reimbursement

The Guthrie Ministerial Alliance “Benevolence Fund” is to be used to support ministries and organizations that help people who live within or travel through Guthrie, Oklahoma.  


Purpose: This fund is not meant to replace the ministry opportunities and efforts of local churches.  Each church is to interview, assess and determine the level of help an individual needs and how their congregation can meet that need.  Each church is responsible for the initial fulfilling of the assessed needs.


Reimbursement:  Once the individual has been helped, the helping church can (at their discretion) request up to $50 in reimbursement from the Guthrie Ministerial Alliance Financial Fund.  Currently, reimbursement is available for an individual and their household up to $50 in any 12-month period.



Endorsements and Civic Matters

There shall be no statement bearing the name “Guthrie Ministerial Alliance” or “GMA”, statement, endorsement or opposition in matters of public and/or moral, except as each statement has received prior endorsement by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at the meeting.



Amendments to the Guidelines

Members may recommend an amendment to the guidelines to any officer of the alliance. The officers will study the proposal and present their recommendations at a regular meeting of the alliance. An Amendment shall require, for adoption, announcement in prior regular meeting, emailing amendment to all active members at least four weeks prior to vote and an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present.  Once conditions are met and the amendment passes, it shall become effective immediately unless otherwise stated.




In the event of dissolution, the officers shall, after paying and making due provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the alliance, dispose of all remaining properties or funding by donating same to an organization in keeping with the purpose of the alliance.



These guidelines were finalized and adopted by the membership on May 19, 2015.